What Is Dermaplaning?

Dermaplaning facial is a simple procedure for exfoliating the epidermis and ridding the skin of fine vellus hair.  It is an ultimate instant gratification anti-aging treatment. Be removing the outermost layer of the epidermis, a dermaplane treatment then allows whatever rejuvenating treatment that follows it to have a deeper and more long-lasting effect. Dermaplaning maximizes results when combined with our other anti-aging services.

What to expect?

The area to be treated will be cleaned, and then sterile blade will be used to gently exfoliate and abrade your skin via light feathering strokes.  Initial benefits from dermplaning are immediately apparent. However, optimal results require regular maintenance treatments. It took many years for your skin to lose its vitality, and it takes time to regenerate new cells.


A fundamental understanding of acne itself is necessary, before any kind of treatment can be considered. And a drug-free regimen with proper treatment can control nearly any acne condition, if approached both topically and psychologically. Simply because all acne is hormonally-induced – and once it takes place in a young person’s skin, stress factors create more pressure on the hormonal cascade fluxes. And this is where psychology is important to a successful cure or controlled remission.

The word acne comes from the Greek word akne, meaning “point.” It is a chronic inflammatory disorder of the pilosebaceous gland and is characterized by the comedo (primary lesion) macules. There are papules, pustules, and cystic scars and/or cuneiform scars (ice pick). Physiology studies show that starting somewhere before adolescence, perhaps ages nine or 10, the adrenal glands produce dihyroepiandrosterone sulfate (DHEAS). At actual puberty, other androgens, such as testosterone and hehydrotestosterine (DHT), are produced. All these androgens suddenly stimulate the sebaceous gland to secrete more and more sebum. Attempting to dry this excess sebum out, whether by topical treatments or drugs, only exacerbate the glands to pump more sebum, in addition to other contraindications.

The corneum has a very fast renewal system at this age – new cells piling up on the surface of the epidermis faster than old cells are naturally exfoliated. This creates a “dam-like” barrier against the increased oils – and like water behind a dam, the oil flow seeks a way out – usually by congesting in one of the sebaceous glands or hair follicles. This is perceived by the skin’s defense mechanisms as a “foreign material” and new cells are created, forming an encapsulation around the sebum overload, which then forms a pustule or cyst.

The Nightmare of Acne

The young person tries to get rid of this unsightly pimple on their face by squeezing it. At this point, P. acnesbacteriaenter the picture and full-blown acne can spread like wildfire.
Acne can be an inherent, genetic condition or can be caused by many other factors: medications, hot and humid climates, polluted areas, or irritating cosmetics.


Understanding acne


Topical Treatments and Home Use Recommendations

Cleansing the skin on acneic conditions is the first and most important step. Bar soap is not recommended to cleanse skin because alkaline salts, used to solidify oils and surfactants in a bar of soap, also solidify the sebum oil in the skin, leading to congestion. Liquid soaps with strong ingredients that strip oil from the skin increase excessive sebum flow via the law of compensation. The sebaceous oil gland pumps even more oil to replace sebum that has been stripped away.

Benzyl peroxide cleansers are adequate for short-term use, but tend to dry out skin after awhile, again encouraging more sebum flow. In addition, long use of benzyl peroxide becomes a free radical in tissue. A good acne cleanser should be sulfate- and parabens-free with a small amount of salicylic acid as a mild, deconjesting exfoliate and cleansing agent.
Panthenol (vitamin B), which contains antimicrobial properties that are crucial to the control of bacterial growth, can be added to the formula. Panthenol also rebalances sebum production through the increase of coenzyme A, which is involved in the metabolism and breaking down of excess sebum.

Aloe vera is well-known for its reduction of erythema and inflammation. The most important ingredient used in any and all acne products is an herbal combination, which includes white thyme and bitter neem, both having a long track record in India and other countries as helping alleviate acne conditions. This type of compound also can act as an excellent backup or primary natural preservative, depending upon the formulation in which it is put. The base components of this compound are four natural, common ingredients – tea tree extract, castor seed oil, thyme, and rosemary, all known for their natural, antibacterial, and healing properties.


Acneic skin desperately needs protection against transepidermal water loss to keep moisture in skin where sebum is being minimized and to keep the “fire” of inflammation controlled. To seal in the water, a transdermal cream formula would be needed, but nothing with heavy oils. Keep in mind that in areas of broken pustules or cysts, or areas where cuneiform scars may be developing, extra collagen production is needed to rebuild weak tissue to the point where scarring does not happen. Adding ascorbic acid to the formula helps instigate new collagen fibers through the fibroblast cells; krameric trianda root extract helps control the stress hormone associated with acne, and is rich in natural lycopene, long-known as a “super-antioxidant” and a zinc/magnesium ascorbyl phosphate combination that not only controls excess sebum but helps rebuild compromised tissue.

After spending 40 years of my life dealing with every sort of acne condition known to man, I have found the most effective protocol for acne: Professional skin revision treatments in-clinic once a week for at least three months; full home prescriptive regimen, based upon the above suggestions and chemistry; supplement with zinc tablets (at least 50 milligrams) and sea buckthorn oil with evening primrose oil; eliminate or reduce sugar, dairy, and gluten drastically from diet; and increase alkalinity in diet with more vegetables, lean meats, less sodas, and processed foods.

by Danné Montague-King

How To Treat Rosacea Naturally


  • Practice good sun protection
  • Use SPF 15+ Daily
  • Reduce stress level
  • Good skin nutrition


The lymphatic system as well as the vascular system and the immune responses, the Langerhans cell, keratinocyte must all work in synergy. Whenever one of these is compromised the skins barrier defense systems are breaking down and consequently vascular disorders or reactive rosacea forms.

The wet oily look that the skin often has is not due to oil, but fast trans-epidermal water loss, when the acid mantle and ceramides are non-existent the skin looses its vital water, this again exacerbates the inflammation which is a major player in rosacea.

By understanding the need for balance and harmony underneath the skin and how important it is to have a good immune system we can conclude that essential fatty acid deficiency or an impaired acid mantle would be two major contributors to Rosacea.


Rosacea cannot be cured, but it can be controlled. An effective treatment and home maintenance products will dramatically reduce the symptoms and signs of rosacea.  Traditional style face facials that focus on just calming the skin attempting to reduce the redness do not give a long term resolution, effective treatment needs to get to the core of the problem and addresses all the contributing factors that cause Rosacea. For a treatment to effectively improve Rosacea it must be able to deal with the skin as a whole system.  A home regime of good skin nutrition, amino acids, skin identical lipids to repair the bi-layers, repairs barrier function.

The DMK Skin Revision™ approach to revising Rosacea utilizes various protocols. DMK Skin Revision™ Therapists will customize a series of treatments that address the anomalies and dysfunctions at the root of the condition.

DMK Skin Revision Rosacea Treatment

  • Cleanse using Milky Clean & Pure
  • Quick Peel
  • Apply Melanotech Drops
  • Enzyme Masque #1 w/ ExodermaPeel


Rosacea is not a complexion problem that will go away by itself, if it is not treated, it will become worse. It can cause devastating psychological and social problems in addition to its physical effects.

Rosacea is a vascular disorder that exhibits visible changes and reactions on and within the skin such as:

  • Flushing redness on cheeks, nose, forehead and chin
  • Erythema (swelling) & inflammation
  • Tightness
  • Small blisters, red bumps and pimples
  • Heat weals
  • Watery, itchy eyes
  • Bulbous nose, noticeable pores, baggy cheeks, fibroplasia and distorted facial features
  • Sensations include; stinging, burning and hot itchy rashes


Researchers believe that hereditary as well as environmental factors are to blame; even more recent research has shown evidence that Helicobacter Pylori bacterium the same bacteria that gets in the gut and causes reflux and stomach ulcers has been detected in Rosacea. Stress is also a contributing factor in that elevated levels of cortisol over a prolonged period of time suppress the immune system and inflammatory conditions occur.


Rosacea can be flared up by a variety of triggers ranging from sun exposure, stress, alcohol, spicy foods and hot beverages such as coffee. Medications and cosmetics with irritating ingredients and fragrances can also lead to an outbreak of Rosacea.

By DEBBIE DICKSON, International Director of Education and Development, DMK Skin Revision™